Schedule for Week of:
September 16-21
THEME OF THE WEEK: NOW IS THE TIME to be... Mentally Tough
Text: I Peter 1:13 / Read verse 13-17 "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;"
We have come off a week in which we emphasized discipline, commitment, and consistency no matter what. And then to trust that giving the same consistent effort mentally, physically, & spiritually each week, will make us better and strengthen us to strive toward our ultimate goals. We all know this is easy to say and hard to do. As Christian runners in our races of life then, we will certainly need to have the right mindset and to be mentally tough in order to keep that consistency. We will need this to remain strong and focused toward our end goals. Especially when things don't always go as we had hoped along the way.
In our text Peter is basically asking the Christian runner, what is your hope today? In life's race what is your end goal? What is your mind & heart set on? What do you invest your thoughts, energy, and focus into? If everything Peter has told us so far in Peter is true. That we will one day be resurrected as Christ was. That our God has a promised place for us in heaven and that our salvation is secure. Then there is only one place to set our hope, hearts, and minds on. Only one ultimate focus and goal. That is God's gracious work of salvation in Jesus alone and eternity in heaven one day with Him. By faith we know this, but still it's so hard. We are so earthly and mentally weak. We so easily set our hope & minds on the things of this earth. So to obey our calling to set our hope in Jesus only and to have as our end goal Heaven with Him, it will take mental toughness. Which really means that we will need strong faith. Faith which is graciously given to us by our God. So Peter writes, "Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope." In the Lord's strength. Stay alert! Prepare your minds for action. Control your thoughts and what your minds dwell on otherwise you will easily lose focus and be distracted by the pleasures of this earth and the struggles of life's race.
Mental toughness will also surely be needed this year as we work through our XC season. We will need to show up each day to give the right consistent effort no matter what the circumstance or struggle might be. Then we will need to remain mentally tough and trust that it will get us to our ultimate goals in the end. May our God give us the grace then in all of the races of life to be mentally tough. To remain consistent and focused toward our goals. NOW IS THE TIME!! Do not get distracted by any of the circumstances or struggles you face along the course. Race hard all the way to the finish!
Practice: 3:00-4:45pm
-Warm up
-1 mile Time Trial
-200m Strides
-Cool Down
Stretching / Rolling
Practice: 3:00-4:30pm
-Warm Up / Core
- Recovery Run / Strides
-Stretching & Rolling
Practice: 3:00-4:30pm
-Warm up
-Tempo Run
-Cool Down
-Stretching / Rolling
Practice: 3:00-4:30
-Warm Up / Core
-Recovery Run
-Stretching / Rolling
Practice: 3:00-4:30
NOTE: Dinner will be at CCHS where we practice. Please try to have food here by 4pm
-Warm up Jog
-Extra Stretching
-Devotions / Dinner
Autumn Sunrise Invite @ Covenant on our home course
NOTE: This is our home meet! We want to make it memorable so that teams want to keep coming back each year. This done with your help! Lets come on out and support our program and bring energy and a positive attitude. Hope to see you there!
Varsity boys: 10:00am
Varsity Girls: 10:30am
JV Boys: 11:00am
JV Girls: 11:30am
''The most important attribute a player must have is mental toughness.
-Mia Hamm